Hello there,
My name is John Omega Edait, working as a laboratory technician at Family Medical Point Abaita-Ababiri. I count myself privileged to work with this organisation because of the far FMP has brought me, in terms of career advancement.
I started working with FMP on the 14th of January 2020 as a volunteer, but presently working as a senior technician where I delightedly head the lab department. I attribute my fast promotion to my commitment, discipline, hard work and dedication towards the vision of FMP. I must affirm that FMP is also a dynamic nurturing ground for vibrant young people who would love to advance their careers and improve their wellbeing as well as that of marginalised communities.
I secured my employment at FMP after applying for a job vacancy that was advertised on the FMP social Medias (Facebook), and worked under the supervision of Jack Asimiire the unit head by then. My prior role as a volunteer was a learning opportunity for me to know how to work with the communities that FMP serves. I had never thought of working with an organisation that supports young women and girls and other key population groups because I thought they did not have health issues that were very critical like I discovered.
I move with the field team during outreaches to landing sites and lakeshore communities, which has become part of my duties. It is however saddening that 99% of the tests that I carry out during outreaches turn out to be positive for Urinary tract infections, syphilis, gonorrhoea and other STDs among many young people. The recent tests carried out in Guuda landing site for example, ensued to only two negative results for UTIs and STIs.
Ever since I started working with FMP, I have counselled and tested over 500 young people, supported groups of people living with HIV, worked with teenage mothers and carried different lab diagnosis.
I must acknowledge that every member of the FMP team is astonishing! The value “We are in this together, every member of the team matters”, unites all team members thus teamwork prevails among staff.
Yes, every workplace has challenges, nevertheless embracing these challenges is what has made me who I am today (Volunteer to unit head). Perseverance is one of the most important things to achieve success. I encourage all young people out there who are seeking for volunteering opportunities and career growth to look out for FMP.
“Your positive action combined with positive thinking results into success.” –SHIV KHERA